Test Instructions

When the test starts, carefully fill in your student number on the answer sheet. Write it clearly on the space above the grid and then paint, completely and in a dark colour, the circles corresponding to each digit as shown below (the sample is in Portuguese, but the idea should become clear anyway).


Write your answers only in the corresponding boxes and do not write outside the boxes. The sheets will be digitized and only the text within the boxes will be considered for evaluation. Also, anything unreadable, will be ignored, so take some care with your handwriting.

You must hand in the answer sheet and notes, which must be identified with your name and number, even if you do not answer the questions. You may not use additional answer sheets.

When you hand in your answer sheets, you must present identification documents with your photo and student number.

You can bring an A4 sheet of paper with handwritten notes. It can be written on both sides of the paper, but must be handwritten by yourself and be identified with your name and student number. Each notes sheet is for individual use only and cannot be shared with colleagues during the test.

You can write the test with pen or pencil, as you prefer, as long as you write in a dark and visible color. We recommend using pencil to make it easier to correct mistakes.

Note that a blank answer is evaluated with 10% of the quotation, while an incorrect answer may be assessed with 0. So it is best to answer only when you know the answer.

You can enter the test room until one hour has passed, and you can only leave after that.